Compassionate Concepts

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Solutions Cards Training

The new Norwex Real Solutions Cards make our parties easy and fun.

  • Guests participate, laugh, tell stories, and feel great about their purchases.

  • People are booking new parties like never before.

  • New consultants are joining our team in record numbers.

We are re-energizing our businesses with this little bag of cards!

Our confidence as consultants is at an all-time high, because we always know what to say next... just move on to the next card!

Our demos are more interactive and highly relevant to our customers' actual needs, because they pick the cards that match their biggest household cleaning challenges.

The pace of our parties is brisk, but not rushed.


(Unless you got them for FREE in your Gold or Platinum Starter Kit Enhancement Package.)


Back-in-the-day, consultants constructed big plastic binders to introduce the Norwex Mission, company, and its products to all our party guests. 

The binders and plastic sheet protectors were expensive, and the color printing costs were astronomical. Plus, it was kind of ironic for crunchy, green consultants to carry around 15 pounds of plastic binders!

When was the last time you had a great time flipping through a binder?

Plus, we didn't know it at the time, but our binders actually turned out to be a barrier to recruiting. Oh no!

Some people, who were seriously considering the business, were intimidated by the prospect of making their own slick, expensive binders, so they passed on our invitation to join.

So, for all these reasons, we retired our glossy party folders.

The Real Solutions Cards are a much better alternative...

  • low cost & durable

  • light & not plastic

  • anyone can use them

  • appealing to brand new consultants


Parties are supposed to be fast, fresh, and fun, right?

Since there are 98 Real Solutions Cards in the deck, we pick cards that focus on specific themes, so even if guests have attended our previous events in the past, our party format is fresh, different, and unique.

Here is a quick description of how use these cards to...

  • hold $1,000 parties

  • book new parties, and

  • recruit new consultants!


Purple Cards...

  • Our purpose

  • Why we need Norwex

Blue Cards...

  • Household problems

  • Safe, sustainable solutions!

Green Cards...

  • Joining our team

  • Becoming a consultant


Before the party, I sort out the cards by color, starting with the purple "Did You Know?" cards.

I choose the cards that match up with the products that I am going to demo during the party.

So, for example, if the theme of the party is personal care products, I'm going to select the cards that inform guests about the Chemicals of Concern in other soaps, lotions, and potions.

Or, if I'm having an Earth Day-themed party, I'll select the cards that highlight problems of pollution and plastic waste.

Always be sure to pre-select the cards that build curiosity and enthusiasm for the products in your kit that you will showcase during the party.

I take enough of these purple cards, so that I can give each guest one card when I meet them at the party.

For small, intimate parties, I'll give each guest two cards.

When all the guests have arrived, been warmly greeted, and given purple cards, I start the party by briefly introducing myself.

Then I offer a raffle ticket for a prize, when they...

...Say their name, and

...Read their purple "Did You Know?" card out loud to the group.

I give extra raffle tickets to guests who ham it up and really read their cards with dramatic enthusiasm!

Pause for a moment to give guests a chance to react, exclaim, or chime in with relevant anecdotes.

Respond to their comments with a brief, positive, and enthusiastic remark.


If you don't know what to say in reaction to a particular card, feel free to borrow words and phrases from the Real Solutions Cards ANSWER KEY.

(Click HERE to see the ANSWER KEY)

(Scroll down to Q & A for the PHONE APP)

Your follow-up gives guests a preview of how your products will help solve the issues brought up on the cards.

Collect these purple cards as you go.

Keep it brief.

Keep it moving.

At the end of these introductions, ask your hostess to draw a raffle ticket, so you can give away your first prize!

Why We Love  Our PURPLE "Did You Know?" CARDS...

  • The purple cards make tremendous "ice-breakers."

  • Everyone gets introduced.

  • You are not the lone "Sage on the Stage."

  • The expectation of participation is established early in the party.

  • Everyone gets a chance to "be an expert" for a few moments, without awkwardly putting anyone on the spot.

  • And, our pre-selected cards build momentum for the demos that are coming up next in the party!


In preparation for my party, I also pre-sort the blue cards which feature specific products in the catalog.

I pick cards that nicely match-up with the demos that I'm ready to do at the party. 

For example, if I'm going to feature the Dusting Mitt and the Envirowand, I make sure that the corresponding Solution Cards are in my deck.

If I'm going to scrub a soap-caked shower door, I make sure that the cards I select point to the benefits of...

  • Descaler

  • Blue Diamond

  • Bathroom Scrub Mitt

So take the time to pre-select the appropriate cards that highlight the products that you will demonstrate at the party.

Instead of handing out the blue product cards to the guests individually, spread the blue cards out on a table or counter, perhaps in your hostess's kitchen, where guests will gather for snacks and drinks.

I find that offering two cards per guest gives everyone enough choices to select from.

Invite everyone to pick up a card or two that depicts a cleaning challenge that they face in their own homes.

It is entertaining to hear guests exclaim and squawk about their messy pets, filthy entryway tile, and neglected ovens that haven't been cleaned since their last BIG family gathering!

Like before, ask for volunteers to read their cards out loud to the group, in return for a raffle ticket for the next free prize.

Since you have pre-selected the blue cards, this is perfect moment to start the demo that is inspired by that particular card.

Hand the guest a new product as you show how it works, so she can feel, touch it, and experience it.

Keep your demos quick and crisp.

Answer questions, then invite another guest to read her blue card.

Hand her a raffle ticket and go onto the next demo.

When you feel satisfied that you have showcased your featured products, ask the previous prize winner to select the next lucky guest's raffle ticket.

Why We Love Our BLUE "Product" CARDS...

  • Letting guests choose their own cards, and inviting them to voluntarily read them out loud, prevents your presentations from seeming "canned" or "scripted."

  • The extroverted, eager guests will volunteer first. Their natural enthusiasm is contagious, giving the party an energy boost.

  • Guests feel as though the party is customized just for them.

  • Party-goers actively participate, talk, and are the center of attention, which is what they will remember about the party.

  • Since you already pre-selected the cards, you come across as flexible, prepared, and resourceful, no matter which cards come up.

  • Your active and entertaining demonstrations allow the products to sell themselves, sparing you from the "salesy" sounding pitches that many guests dread hearing at other typical home parties.


Think green = money.

The green "Ask Me About My Job" cards help you recruit new members.

At the end of the party, I raffle off a new coffee cup, with a pre-paid coffee card to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, along with recruiting information, and a free product, such as lip balm, MVP pack, or EnviroSponge.

(You can find inexpensive coffee cups at stores like Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, Big Lots, or your local deep discount retailer.)

Anyone who wants to play, gets a green Solutions Card and a little white Door Prize card, which serves as their raffle ticket.

Each guest simply reads the question on the green card, which I answer according to my experience as a consultant.

(Remember, we can find sample answers on the smartphone app or on the .pdf answer key sheet. See Q & A section below.)

While the Q & A is going on, guests fill out the little white Door Prize card, on which they indicate their interest in booking a new party, or joining the business.

Don't be long-winded. Keep your responses to the green card questions short and sweet.

I set my phone timer for three minutes, so this section of the party keeps up with the brisk, lively pace that I have established for the whole party.

When the timer goes off, I collect the cards. My hostess, or the previous winner, picks from the shuffled deck of small white Door Prize cards to select the next prize winner.

Door Prize cards are available from your team leader. I order these cards from VistaPrint.

Why We Love Our GREEN "Ask Me About My Job" CARDS...

  • Doing the green cards at the end of the party prevents me from accidentally skipping the vital recruiting piece of the party process.

  • When guests are excited and ready to place their orders, it's easy to forget to offer them the business opportunity. If you neglect to ask them to join our team, we are missing out on all the benefits of growing our organization and promoting into leadership positions.

  • We never know who is ready to start their own businesses. You can't tell by people's ages, appearance, or how they present themselves.

  • The only real way to determine their readiness is to ask them directly, in an easy-going, non-invasive way: "Have you ever considered doing what I do?"

  • If they like the answers you gave to the green question cards, they'll feel good about saying YES, when you ask them to join the Norwex Mission!


You'll find that having a few Solutions Cards sets on hand - along with a couple of catalogs, and a handful of order forms - makes recruiting someone who's ready to join your team at a party, incredibly easy!

When I offer the business to my hostesses and interested party guests, part of my "Get Started NOW Package" is a set of Real Solutions Cards, along with a set of travel-size microfiber cloths, the Business Opportunity Brochure and a FreshSTART flyer.

This reassures new consultants that they could hold their own parties right away, without worrying that they don't know enough about the products to join our team.

Eager recruits download the app to their smartphones and they are instantly ready to start partying using our party card format.

Trust me, these Real Solution Cards help you talk less, prompting your guests to talk more, which boosts their involvement, enthusiasm, and willingness to book parties of their own.

We're a Top Team! ~Gayle

Q & A

Q: I already have a set of party cards from a couple of years ago. Why do I need new cards?

A: The former party cards offered a script that guided new consultants through a successful sample party. The old-style cards are still available in the Business Supplies Catalog for $2.99 and are helpful to brand new consultants, who have no previous direct-selling experience, and don't know what to say in front of guests. If you have moved beyond that point yourself, the new Real Solutions Cards are a better fit for your current skill-set.

Q: How do I buy these Real Solutions Cards?

A: Order from the Business Supply Catalog. They are item #18. The SKU is SKA115. The price is $19.95.

Q: How do I learn what to say about each card?

A: Simply download the Norwex Real Solutions Cards App on your smartphone. It is free! 

Don't worry! If you don't use a smartphone, simply log into your Consultant Website.

Click on Ask Nora.

Type in a search for "Solutions."

Look through the search results for the "REAL SOLUTIONS CARDS ANSWER KEY."

Click on the link to download the .pdf file for viewing or printing.

Q: How do I get even more training on how to use the new cards?

A: Watch the video below, then view the whole official "Norwex Consultant Training Videos" playlist on Norwex's Youtube Channel!


See this form in the original post

Need Support?

You may reach out to me, Gayle Rachford, in a number of ways...

  • Call or text me at (585) 330-8460

  • My e-mail address is

  • FaceBook "Gayle Rachford"

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