Compassionate Concepts

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Announce Your New Business

You are a Norwexer now! That's right, you are running a business

"How does it feel to be your own boss?" 

  • Shakin' it up!

  • Fresh start!

  • New mojo!

  • Doin' my own thang!

  • Taking charge!

  • Making the magic happen!

  • I love my's me!

It feels good, doesn't it?

Running my own business is more exciting, more challenging, and more rewarding than any job that I've ever had.

Today, I'll share some tips that will kick-start your confidence, and boost your motivation, as you get ready to launch your business.


Yes, you are a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant.

Yes, you are a business owner.

But, your friends, family members, and neighbors aren't mind-readers, are they?

You aren't telepathic either!

So, you'll have to tell people what you are doing.

It's not hard. Just pick up your phone and dial!

Simply, let your circle of loved ones, friends, and acquaintances know (in a heart-felt and genuine way) that you are trying something new. Make your announcement with integrity and enthusiasm.


"I'm calling because I couldn't wait to tell you about my exciting news. I just started my own business! Would you like to hear about it?"

  • You don't have to memorize all the products in the catalog.

  • You don't have to know the whole history of the company.

  • You don't have to be an expert about silver-embedded microfiber.

All you have to know right now is that you are exploring a new opportunity.

You aren't "selling" anything. You are simply letting everyone know that you feel...

  • excited!

  • energized!

  • enthused!

People will be so happy for you.

Give them an opportunity to share your excitement!

Then ask...

"Would you like an invitation to my first practice party?"


We all know some pretty pessimistic people. Their default reaction to anything new is usually negative.

From their point of view, they are probably trying to protect you from heartbreaking experiences in their own pasts.

We should feel compassion for them, because those thoughts lead to sadness and regret.

Please understand that we are under absolutely NO OBLIGATION to deliberately seek out their deflating, soul-crushing, negativity. Their default emotions of fear, dread, and trepidation have nothing to do with our new venture.

SKIP EM for now. Don't call them. Don't worry if they are disappointed that that they missed the chance to rain on your parade. They would have been disappointed anyway, right?


This is our moment!

We are pumped-up, joyful, hopeful, feeling great, and ready to rock!

Who is in our "warm circle?" Put them on our "Announce List." That's easy. Who is most...

  • warm-hearted!

  • open-minded!

  • forward-thinking!

  • kind!

  • supportive!

  • interested!

  • like-minded!

  • positive!

  • encouraging!


 Norwex provides an excellent overview of how to become a highly successful Norwexer. Click HERE to see the guide.


Uh oh!

Some people never check their e-mail. Voice-mailboxes get filled up.  Not everyone is on Facebook.


  • One social media post: "Hey, I do Norwex now!"

  • Send a mass e-mail which ends up in people's spam folders

  • Group text to everyone in your contact list

This type of announcement is impersonal and ineffective.

It's a mistake and it won't work.


Instead, be sure to use a variety of methods to personally reach out to your peeps...

  • Enthusiastic phone calls

  • Texts or Direct Messages

  • Mail personal notes or postcards

  • In-person coffee or lunch dates

Consideration, courtesy, and personal attention will encourage others to attend your first parties, and then book parties of their own!


Give a grand tour of the Norwex Catalog to your circle of friends and family that live in distant locations. They won't be able to come to your practice or launch parties, but they will still want to participate in your new enterprise and support your efforts.

"I am so excited to announce that I am launching my new business with Norwex. These amazing microfiber products allow us to clean our homes with just water, saving us time and money while keeping our families safe from harmful chemicals! Once you see what Norwex has to offer, you will be as excited as I am! Can I share a catalog with you?"

Personalize the experience by giving the page numbers featuring the products that your friends and family members will surely love... 

  • Kids Wash for your sister's four children

  • 3-in-1 Car Wash Mitt for your Dad

  • Carpet Stain Buster for your neighbor with three dogs!

Hey, you know what people need and them find it in the catalog!

You'll be surprised by how many orders you collect just by letting your loved ones and trusted friends know about Norwex products.

Lots of new consultants make their first $400 FreshStart! goal before they even throw their first Practice Party. Give it a try, ok?

We're a top team! ~Gayle

PS: Doesn't it feel good to be in charge of your own destiny?


See this form in the original post

Need Support?

You may reach out to me, Gayle Rachford, in a number of ways...

  • Call or text me at (585) 330-8460

  • My e-mail address is

  • FaceBook "Gayle Rachford"

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